
Holistic Youth Well-being program

Our Youth Well-being Program supports holistic well-being of young people in the ages 18-24 years .The research based curricula aims to foster understanding and importance of 8 dimensions of well-being; namely mental, relational, emotional, physical, academic , vocational, financial and economic well-being among youth, thereby equipping them with the knowledge and skills for rational decision making, career explorations and career planning and also understanding of eudaimonic and hedonic constructs of psychological well-being for stable relationships , fulfillment of true potentials and purposeful existence.

School Well-being Program

The School Well-being program is an evidence based curriculum to promote social, emotional, mental, physical, digital and academic well-being among students. Research has shown that student well-being is vital for learning and academic achievement (Clarks, 2020). The systematic review found strong international evidence that whole-school approaches to promoting wellbeing can positively affect academic attainment as well as mental health, self esteem , motivation and creativity (Lindorff ,2020).

Mighty Minds Program